simple summer salad

This recipe is for those warm summer nights when you want something really easy that you can whip up and accompany anything you throw on the barbecue. For me this salad has all the elements I love, crunchy, creamy and fresh. You can change up the ingredients if you like but I would recommend trying this combination because it is so YUM. It is also a great one to make if you’re entertaining and you want to elevate the classic green salad just a touch!

recipe (serves 4)


  • 2 cups mixed greens

  • 5 small radishes, thinly sliced

  • 1 avocado, cut into cubes

  • 1 green apple, thinly sliced

  • Handful of toasted walnuts

  • 1 small bulb of fennel (or ½ a large one), thinly sliced

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • Salt


1. Simply mix all the ingredients in a bowl until well combined. This serves 3-4 as a side and goes perfectly with some roasted potatoes.


green bean salad


easter rocky road