5 ways to prioritise YOU this Christmas

December can be such a challenging month for a lot of people. For some, work deadlines are looming, life admin is out of control and the social calendar might be full. For others, there is a deep feeling of loss, disconnection, and loneliness present.

In either circumstance, it is so important that we are kind to ourselves this time of the year. It doesn’t have to be a race to the finish, and we can still prioritise self-care.

Here are five ways you can be kind to yourself this December:

five ways to by kind to yourself

1. set boundaries

It is okay to say "no" to plans this time of year. Plans you have made with yourself can be of equal importance to the plans you have made with others.

2. fuel your body

Even if you have a lunch party or a dinner party, you still need to eat throughout the course of the day for energy. Set time aside to prepare yourself food that will make you feel good and that you will enjoy.

3. step away from people & conversations

You don’t have to be part of every conversation. If you notice that an interaction is making you feel flat, anxious, sad or angry, it is okay to walk away.

4. do a brain dump

Take your thoughts out of your mind and get them onto paper or into the notes page on your phone. Having somewhere to dump your thoughts creates space to be more present, tune into your creativity and makes rest much more restorative.

5. schedule time just for YOU

While you are busy making plans with others, make sure you are making plans with yourself too! Intentionally taking time to reconnect to joy and recharge fills our cup and gives us more energy to share with others.

No matter what you’re experiencing at the moment, I want to remind you to ask for help when you need it. You don’t have to navigate your feelings alone. There are people who want to listen and support you. Speak to your family and friends. Seep professional support. Let someone know how you’re feeling.

If you in need immediate support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. You can also book an appointment with your GP and ask them to direct you with a healthcare professional to support you.

We don’t have to enter into January exhausted, we can make the slower moments this time of year to help us feel recharged and ready for 2024


honey, soy chicken bowls


green bean salad