continuing to celebrate your body

So you have completed 14 days of body celebration… now what? WELL, lucky the party doesn’t have to stop there!!

Before I get into the five things you can do to continue celebrating your body every day, I did want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that was part of the challenge and for all the kind words. I know the challenge meant something to a lot of you and I can’t tell you how much your messages warmed my heart.

I am so so proud of everyone who was part of the challenge and I hope that it has inspired you to do something for YOU each day.

Okay onto the five ways to keep the celebration going!

5 ways to keep celebrating your body

1. write a note

Put little notes on your phone, laptop, fridge or in your diary to remind you to celebrate your body in some way today.

2. be intentional

In the same way that you set aside time to read the daily emails, intentionally set aside time to celebrate your body.

3. priortise joy

Choose activities that make you smile!! Remember, body celebration doesn’t need to involve physical activity.

4. share your experience

Tell people that you’re celebrating your body, you might just encourage them to do the same or to join you!

5. practice self-compassion

Life is unpredictable. There are going to be times when you have more time to celebrate your body than others. Be kind to yourself. It is about progress over perfection.

Remember, body appreciation is a journey. There are going to be days when you appreciate your body less. There are going to be days when you might go back to feelings of unworthiness, dissatisfaction, and disappointment. All of this is okay. We can only do our best!!

You also ALWAYS have the support of our incredible community! You are not alone and we are always here!!


easter rocky road


green seed smoothie