let’s talk about appearance-based comments

7 in 10 young people have received negative comments or been teased about their appearance. That is far too many.

It can be so hard in an appearance-focussed world to know what to do to support young people with this. I mean, how could they not be phased by these kinds of comments when appearance is still valued so highly?

Full transparency, I’m not a parent, but I have worked with thousands of young people and am privileged enough to hear their stories. These are the things that the young people, and the research show, as helpful for fostering a greater sense of body appreciation. 

Here are five strategies you can use to support your young person.

strategies to support your young person

1. create an open dialogue with your teen

Facilitating a home environment where young people feel safe to share what they are going through is a great start. you won’t know if they’re struggling with this if they don’t share it.

2. minimise appearance-based compliments

It is hard to resist the temptation sometimes to compliment a young people on their appearance, but do your best to keep those to a minimum. instead comment on their skills, talents, creativity, aura, humour and laugh.

3. speak kindly about yourself

This is a tough one, we have all grown up in an appearance centric world. one way you can start doing this is be commenting on what your body can DO and express gratitude for that.

4. ask for support

They say “it takes a village” for a reason. lean on your friends, family and people within your young person’s school community for tools and strategies to support you in navigating this with your child.

5. remind them they’re not alone

Unfortunately negative appearance-based comments are common and it is unlikely that your young person is the only one in their school or class experiencing something similar. rsometimes knowing that someone else is feeling a similar way can be enough to make them feel less alone.

These are some first steps to get started. It can be so hard to see a young people struggling so a little reminder to be kind to yourself too.

If you have some tips that you would like our community to know about, send me a DM on Instagram or send me an email because I would LOVE to share it!


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