school workshops

This is Your Body offers engaging, joyful and evidence-based presentations and workshops designed to educate teens about nutrition, body image, mental health, and wellbeing.

what we bring to your school

  • Stories, activities, facts and snacks

  • Practical and interactive workshops

  • Presentations that are evidence-based and aligned with the Victorian Curriculum

  • Knowledge and skills from a Clinical Nutritionist (BHSc)

  • Enthusiasm and joy

a variety of workshop themes

We have a variety of themes to meet your teens’ needs.

  • Struggles with body image and nutrition don’t discriminate. It can affect anyone, and it can also have an impact on a person’s family and friends. The joy of being me is designed to support students with their body image and nutrition during adolescence and provide them with strategies they can use as their bodies continue to change throughout their life. It runs over two sessions. The first session gives your teens all the facts and the second session gets them up and moving as they learn to celebrate and appreciate the body they are in.

    Who is it for?

    Years 8-12

    What do we cover?

    • Body image 101

    • Unpacking beauty ideals

    • Identifying our insecurities

    • Navigating diet-culture

    • What our bodies do for us

    • Body celebration

    • Gentle nutrition

  • Let’s empower our pre-teens to feel joyful in the body they’re in! It’s never too early to start supporting young people with their body image. It is also never too early to share the incredible opportunity food creates for connection. Pre-teen joy is designed to support young people with their body image and show them how much joy they can cultivate by eating a diverse and delicious foods filled with colour, nutrition and fun! This program runs over two sessions. The first session gives your pre-teens all the facts and the second session gets them up and moving as they learn to celebrate and appreciate the body they are in!

    Who is it for?

    Years 5-6

    What do we cover?

    • Body image 101

    • What our bodies do for us

    • Why we eat

    • Gentle nutrition

    • Building a fun lunchbox

    • The link between food and connection

    • Body celebration

  • Young people are the least likely group to ask for professional help and one in seven young people aged 4 to 17 experience a mental illness in any given year. This presentation has been designed to educate students about mental health and provide them with evidence-based dietary and lifestyle strategies they can use to support them.

    Who is it for?

    Years 8-11

    What do we cover?

    • What is mental health?

    • Breaking down the most common mental illnesses that impact young people

    • The link to nutrition

    • A word on movement

    • The importance of rest

    • How can teens support someone they love?

    • Asking for help

  • Through many years of study, Angelica learnt the importance of taking care of her body and mind. Often at school, students can be so fixated on their big goals and become disconnected with their bodies' need to rest and eat. This presentation encourages students to get back in touch with their body and supports them to make choices to take care of it to help them at school and when they graduate too.

    Who is it for?

    Years 10-12

    What do we cover?

    • Why is it important that we eat enough?

    • Building a lunchbox to provide them with the energy they need

    • Nutrition for stress management

    • A word on movement

    • The importance of rest

    • Making time for joy

    • Asking for help

  • It’s all good to give young people recipes but what if they don’t know how to cook? This presentation aims to empower young people to get messy and creative in the kitchen! We teach them how to create something nutritious and yummy in a way that is fun and simple!

    Who is it for?

    Years 7-12

    What do we cover?

    • Hands on cook along

    • Nutrition 101

    • 20-minute nutrition Q & A

    Note: This presentation is only available for schools that have kitchens available for the students. Each student (or pair of students) will require access to an oven and/or stove.

  • So many teens love to move their body by participating in sport, dance, calisthenics and gymnastics but how many of them know what to eat to have the energy they need to train, perform and recover? This presentation aims to educate young people about the link between nutrition and sports in a way that is fun and practical! We also sprinkle in a chat about body image and feeling confident in our bodies just as they are!

    Who is it for?

    Teens that participate in sport, dance, calisthenics or gymnastics.

    What do we cover?

    • Sports nutrition (training. game/show day, recovery)

    • Injury nutrition

    • Body image basics

    • Seeking support

    • Embracing joy and self-compassion

  • When it comes time to choose subjects for the senior years of high school, a number of students really struggle. They feel the pressure of finding their passion, family expectations, and what they want to when they finish school. For many, the path when they finish school isn’t linear. The uncertainty associated with that can be stressful and all consuming. This presentation encourages young people to embrace that uncertainty, lean into new opportunities and be open to change.

    Who is it for?

    Years 9-10

    What do we cover?

    • Discovering their ‘why’

    • Uncovering their values

    • Comparison culture

    • Building a brand

    • Embracing their authentic self

    • Importance of self-compassion

  • This presentation has been written in collaboration with Year 12 English teachers to ensure it aligns with the VCE English Curriculum on ‘writing about personal journeys’.

    In this presentation I candidly share my personal journey. For many young the path when they finish school isn’t going to be linear. Uncertainty is almost guaranteed. As someone that lived according to a ‘plan’, I can’t say I was all too comfortable when things started to unravel in my twenties. In addition to being a clinical nutritionist, I have also completed a Bachelor of Laws and Arts where I majored in journalism. I love writing and share this passion with the students in addition to sharing my personal journey.

    Who is it for?

    Year 12 VCE English students

    What do we cover?

    • My personal journey from being a ‘good girl’ who always followed the plan, to someone who has leaned into the lessons that have presented and created a life that looks nothing like she could have anticipated.

    • Strategies to navigate uncertainty & change

    • Learning how to find joy in the writing process

  • It isn’t just teens that struggle with body image and nutrition, it impacts their family too! This presentation aims to support parents. It provides them with knowledge, tools and strategies that they can use to empower young people to make informed and educated decisions about their health and wellbeing in a way that is joyful and practical.

    Who is it for?

    Parents of pre-teens & teens

    What do we cover?

    • The things that influence the way our young people feel about food and their body

    • The impact that body image has on health decision making and their ability to engage at school and with their peers

    • The importance of eating enough for growth and development

    • The type of language you can use in the home to promote a joyful relationship with food and body

    • Easy breakfast and lunch ideas for teens

    • Strategies to get food on the table in 30 minutes and how your teen can help

    • Opportunity for a Q&A

  • This presentation provides teachers and wellbeing staff with the knowledge, tools and strategies that they can use to empower young people to make informed and educated decisions about their health and wellbeing in a way that is joyful and practical.

    Who is it for?

    Primary & secondary school teachers and wellbeing staff

    What do we cover?

    • The impact of poor body image and eating disorders on young people

    • The importance of nutrition for energy, cognition, and development

    • Identifying if a student might be struggling

    • Education around the type of language that fosters a joyful relationship with food and body

    • Nutrition and body image Q & A

hear it from our teens

  • “I didn’t realise until today that I had been struggling with my body image. Gel’s conversation really opened my eyes. The information Gel presented really assisted in a shift of my own perspective of my personal struggles with body image and now I feel so empowered and uplifted.”

    - Year 9 Student, Santa Maria College

  • “Today I learnt about how our happiness and health is not determined only by physical appearance and that it is okay to snack and not feel bad about it - but also looking to healthier options that serve the same purpose.”

    - Year 11 Student, Santa Maria College

  • “I liked when Gel talked about how we’re all biochemically different and how diet and exercise affects people differently because of our genetics. I resonated with what she said about how we wouldn’t try to change other parts of our body that are determined by our genetics (such as height) in the same way we do our weight.”

    - Year 11 Student, Santa Maria College

  • “I really appreciated Gel not labelling foods as 'bad' or 'good’ as this is a factor of daily eating I am trying to move away from.”

    - Year 11 Student, Santa Maria College

let’s empower your teens together

Let’s jump on a call so we can learn more about your school and how we can work together to empower and educate your students.


  • 1. Book a chat

    In this 15-minute chat we get to meet! Gel will get to learn about YOUR SCHOOL and how you can work together to empower and educate your students. Gel will walk you through our process, your investment and what you can expect from working with us.

    2. Lock in a date

    We find a date and time that works for YOU and your students.

    3. Let’s talk details

    We talk about what you want to get out of the presentation, pick a yummy recipe for your students (and the teachers!!) and Gel answers any of your questions.

    4. It’s presentation day!

    This is where we bring the presentation to life!! Gel visits your school and brings with her a bag full of goodies, resources and joy to share with your school community.

  • Students walk away with a smile on their face (hopefully!), a whole heap of knowledge; a bookmark, an eBook loaded with strategies, activities and recipes, a delicious snack, and a better understanding of nutrition and their body.

  • It wouldn’t be fun if you didn’t get to walk away with some goodies too!! Teachers also receive a whole heap of knowledge, a bookmark, a delicious snack and, strategies of how they can continue to implement the lessons learnt into their classes.

  • Great question!! This is Your Body wants to enhance the learning that is happening in the classroom so we have designed all our presentations to align with the Victorian Curriculum for Levels 7 to 10 in both Health & Physical Education, and Personal & Social Capability.

  • Our presentations and workshops go for between 60 and 90 minutes depending on the one you book. At This is Your Body we understand the pressure on teachers and how difficult it can be to fit us into your timetable (not a job that we envy). We aim to make your life EASIER by adapting our presentations to work for YOU and YOUR SCHOOL. Book in a chat to see how we can make our presentations and workshops work for YOU.

  • Absolutely there is!! Gel is a Clinical Nutritionist and also runs a 6-week program, which aims to lighten the mental load of teens, by teaching them how to build a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. Gel works 1:1 with your teen to support them with their health, plus we give your teen exclusive access to our community where they can learn to cook and celebrate their bodies alongside a group of fun and like-minded individuals. Students are also so welcome to send Gel an email following a presentation if they don’t feel confident to ask when she is visiting.

  • We would LOVE to come and visit more than once! As a THANK YOU for inviting us to be an active member of your community we have packages available. Packages give you and your students access to BONUS materials to support them with their nutrition and body image. To learn more, book in a free 15-minute chat with Gel.

body bop program

This is Your Body also offers 1:1 support for teens.