how to get your teen in the kitchen

Getting your teen involved in the meal creation experience can give you the opportunity to learn about the foods they enjoy, what skills they want to learn, and possibly getting an extra set of hands-on board to help you out!! 

three things to try

1. invite them into the conversation

Get your teen involved in the meal planning and get curious about new foods you can add to your weekly recipe rotation! Have a chat together about the dinners you can make the following week and ask them which meals they would like to help you prepare.  

2. go grocery shopping together

Inviting your young person to go grocery shopping with you is a fantastic way for you to learn about the foods they enjoy and that they would like to have in the home! Use it as an opportunity to connect!

3. give them meaningful responsibilities

Give your young person real responsibilities. Ask them what they would like to assist you with, what they would like to learn and how they would like to contribute to the meal creation experience. They might want to cook, they might like to set the table, they might like to do the dishes.  Getting involves will hopefully give them a sense of pride that they are having a meaningful contribution to the family!

I hope these tips help to facilitate a conversation between you and your young person.

You might also learn more about your young person’s relationship with food and their body in this process.

Keep your ears out for changes to food preferences, comments about their body and how they want to FEEL after finishing a meal!

Have more things you want to learn about? Let me know by sending me a DM on Instagram or sending an email to


honey & oat cookies


beef & veggie stuffed peppers