5  tips for stress-free meals

School is back this week, which I know for a lot of people means getting back into a routine. Part of that routine, for many, is coming up with something to make for dinner every night… this is not always easy! I am here to share my top five tips to stress free dinners when the kids are back to school.

Here are my five tips:

five tips for stress free dinners

1. keep it simple

Not every meal needs to look incredible. Remove the pressure for your dinner to look aesthetic, we are going for delicious and nourishing for the the mind and body.

2. look at what you have

Save money by doing a stock take of what is in your fridge, pantry and freezer. You never know, you might have some frozen pasta bake you could use first.

3. plan ahead

This is a BIG one! Write your grocery list with your calendar open next to you so the meals you’re planning to make are realistic and fit the time you have available to cook and prepare.

4. set aside prep time

Weeknight dinner prep STARTS on the weekend. Look at the tasks that are time consuming (i.e. grating) and do what you can in advance to save time during the week.

5. ask for help

You don’t have to do the prep alone! If you have teens in the house, put them to work. Ask them to cut some veggies, pre-heat the oven or even just get them to set the table. Invite them into the kitchen and let them be part of making dinner. You never know, they might just enjoy it.

Before you race off to implement everything straight away, I want to remind you that the small, sustainable practices STICK. Start with one or two from the list and build from there, we are definitely not striving for perfection here.

If you have some tips that you would like our community to know about, send me a DM on Instagram or send me an email because I would LOVE to share it!


honey nut granola


apple & raisin muffins