time for some winter reflection

It is officially the middle of winter, so I thought it was a great time for a little check-in and This is Your Body update.

How are you? Ah so kind of you to ask! I have genuinely been really well. My mental health has gone through ups and downs as I continue to navigate change, trying new things and embracing what I ‘want’ to do rather than what I ‘should’ do. The end of last year and the start of this year moved at a rapid pace for me. It felt like I didn’t have time to breathe and appreciate where I was in my life. I was just trying to get through day to day.

This season I have been able to slow down. Sure the weeks are flying by, but I have intentionally carved out moments of stillness. These moments are a reminder to be kind to myself, to embrace where I’m at, and try not to rush to the next part. Much easier said than done. For my fellow control freaks, it is a battle but definitely one worth fighting.

I’d be lying if I said there haven’t been moments of stress, fear, heartache, confusion, and uncertainty. I think that no matter where you are in your life that those feelings can still show up in one way or another. I acknowledge that they are part of learning and growing. My sister and I often ask my mum, “am I finished growing yet? why do I have to keep growing?”. I don’t think we stop growing. I don’t think I want to. Growing is part of life. If Gel 12 months ago could look at me now, she would be so surprised. I think she would also be proud…and stoked that the ocean is only a short walk away.

 That is where I am at. I am well. I am leaning into uncertainty. I am embracing change.

personal update

Just for some personal insight, here is what I have been up to this winter (more so the last month):

I have a scheduled day off

After much encouragement from family and close friends, I am trying to take one full day off a week. I find it really hard. The guilt is crippling, and it seems that nearly anything can be turned into content. That said, the payoff is incredible. My mind is so much more refreshed when I have taken some time away from my laptop. I don’t get a full day every week, but I am trying my best. I started reading Curtis Sittenfeld’s book, ‘Romantic Comedy.’ I have spent time on the couch watching re-runs of my favourite sitcoms, and just last night I binge watched Season 2 of ‘The Summer I Turned Pretty.’ I also use my time off to drive down to Melbourne and see family. Spending time with people in person is actually the best!


I have started hot pilates and yin yoga

A month ago my friend Chloe invited me to a hot pilates class. After the first session, I was hooked! I just loved it. The room is close to 30 degrees and filled with people. It amazes me how many people want to be in class at 6:00am on a Friday morning. The euphoric feeling afterwards makes all the sweat, burning muscles, and having very dirty hair (ew) worth it. I have also been loving the evening Yin Yoga sessions. I am trying to get to one a week. For the first 25 minutes of the session, you hold yoga poses. For the last part of the class you lie on your back and listen to the sound baths. It is incredibly relaxing and sets me up for a great nights sleep.


I finally booked that doctors’ appointment

As a healthcare professional myself, you’d think I make this a priority…wrong. I have been putting off an appointment since March (I am not recommending this). Part of the reason I put it off was because I knew I would need to book in with someone new because my previous doctor is in Melbourne. I went last Monday to see the GP and I am so glad I did. She was warm, kind and understanding. She was thorough in her approach and made me feel like my thoughts and concerns were valid and important. She referred me for tests and helped me organise a follow up too. I am so glad I did it now and wish I hadn’t of put it off.


I have focussed on connection

The importance of human connection cannot be overstated. I was tired of spending so much time in my own company and was craving some more opportunities to be in the community, chat on the phone and hang out with people outside of work. Building a community in a new area is not something that has happened overnight, but I can wholeheartedly say that I am starting to feel like Torquay is really my home now. I have friends that I catch up with regularly, I make an effort to sit in cafes and chat to people, and I am even beginning to get to know my neighbours a little better too. I am spending more time chatting on the phone to people in Melbourne and am driving up more to meet with them in person. I have realised that, like most things in life, if you want something you need to do something to make it happen. In order to form more connections, I needed to speak to more people. It isn’t always easy but it is always worth it.


I have been playing soccer with my cat (yes you read that right)

This is super random, but my cat Allie has found a ping pong ball. She pulled it out of a cupboard one afternoon and has been obsessed ever since. The sound of that ball hitting the walls, rolling along the floorboards and knocking the windows has become the soundtrack to my home life. I love that when I kick the ball she gets so excited. I love watching her have a starring match with the ball. I love to see her so happy living her best coastal life.

this is your body update

Okay, enough of the personal stuff. What has been happening with This is Your Body?

I am creating new recipes and content

Like I said above, pretty much everything in my life can be turned into content. I have been so inspired to create new recipes lately and spend a lot of time testing, writing and taking photos. I find this part of the business to be really joyful and rewarding. When I see that someone in the community has tried a recipe, engaged with a post, or has found something helpful, it warms my heart like nothing else!


I am visiting high schools

I would LOVE to help every teen to build a joyful relationship with food and their body. That is our mission! To achieve that, we need to be in every high school, sports club, dance school in the state. No easy feat (and very ambitious!). I have been visiting new schools most weeks and getting them excited about This is Your Body. We have some exciting presentations coming up in the next month or so!! If you want to get us into your school or sports club, you can book in a FREE discovery call here.


I am getting people excited about the Body Bop Program

Body Bop is something I am INCREDIBLY proud of! What started as an idea in my head, has become everything I hoped it would be and MORE! Working one on one with young people gives them an opportunity to feel heard, have their thoughts and feelings validated, and be given personal tools and strategies to support them with their health and wellbeing. You can learn more about it here!!


I have been connecting with other business owners

Having your own business is so rewarding, but it can also be a little isolating too! I have been so fortunate to connect with so many new business owners over the last month or so. Even if we are in different industries, we still face similar challenges. It has been amazing to meet people who get it. They are all so kind, supportive and understanding. I have also found it super motivating too! It has made me want to challenge myself, step outside my comfort zone and try new things. I am so grateful for everyone I have connected with.


I have been tying some loose ends

I can see the finish line of the biggest projects I have ever worked on. I started working on it in November last year and to be so close to the end is so surreal. I can’t say much more than that for now.

If you have made it to the end, thank you! I rambled a bit there!! I just feel like sometimes random stories and posts can be a little surface level and I wanted to give you a little more insight into my personal and business life.

Thank you so much for all of the love and support always. I am very grateful for each of you for being part of this community and am so excited to watch it continue to grow and evolve.

I am going to finish by setting you a challenge. Write down two things you are proud of yourself for this year. It doesn’t have to be anything huge. Then, really take a moment to sit in that feeling of pride. So often we can be focussed on the next thing and forget to look at where we are today. Take that feeling with you as you go into a new week.

With joy and gratitude

Gel xo


what does being healthy mean?


roast vegetable & lentil soup